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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Gilbert and East Valley surrounding areas


Become a Referee

Why should you become an AYSO Referee?  We need you.  We can't have games without referees.  More importantly, it's rewarding and working with kids is great fun! 

Referees are critical to soccer - the game can't be played without them. The referee's job is to be the official in charge of the game. He is the independent arbiter and manager of the game. Her authority extends to everyone at the field, including players, substitutes, team officials, spectators, and even assistant referees. 

The referee's No. 1 one concern is to keep the game as safe as possible for the players. While there is risk in all sports, the referee is responsible for minimizing such risks from field conditions, equipment, spectators, and the players. 

We want our kids to continue to play, and they keep playing as long as it is fun. Referees learn that fun soccer varies from age group to age group of players.



1.  Volunteer Application and Background Check

Every volunteer (coach, referee, board member, team manager, etc.) must submit a Volunteer Application and Background Check each membership year. A background check screens volunteers’ suitability to work with our participants.

2.  Complete Safe Haven online training

AYSO is proud to present its Safe Haven Program– the first of its kind in youth sports, most notably in soccer. It creates a safe environment for players, volunteers and families to enjoy the beautiful game of soccer.

The #1 priority is player safety. Precautions and guidelines are provided to minimize the occurrence of injuries and to prevent the opportunities for abuses to occur. AYSO’s Safe Haven program has been put in place to protect AYSO players and the volunteers who serve them. The training.

Certification is valid for 3 Years from the certification date. 

3.  Complete CDC Concussion online training 

AYSO has partnered with the Center for Disease Control (CDC) to use the “Heads Up” Concussion training tools in support of the following guidelines in order to ensure the safety of all our participants.  The AYSO/CDC Coach/Referee Action Plan provides coaches/referees with the signs and symptoms of concussion and the recommended steps to take whenever a player exhibits any sign or symptom.   

Certification is valid for 3 Years from the certification date. 

4.  Complete Referee training  

AYSO 688 periodically offers referee training courses that are FREE to volunteer parents and those 12 y/o or older that want to learn how to referee. This Fall season we will be offering opportunities to take the basic referee class. 

Once games start, before you take to the field, stop by our referee tent and receive a full uniform consisting of referee jersey, shorts and socks - other accessories are available.



This is a self assignment program.
Remember the players are counting on you to SIGN UP and SHOW UP!


Misconduct Referee Report  
(Forward to the Regional Referee Administrator same day)

AYSO USSF cross certification agreement

Upcoming Clinics

No Clinics Scheduled  


Any other questions, please contact us at:

  [email protected]

Terry Welsh - Referee Administrator
Joshua Worley - Referee Instructor

National Partners

Contact Us

AYSO Region 688

Gilbert, Arizona  

Email Us: [email protected]
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